Says left handed Gulki Joshi: Haseena Malik in Sony Sab's Maddam Sir

Says left handed Gulki Joshi: Haseena Malik in Sony Sab's Maddam Sir

The only way being left handed has been different for me is when we are doing a pooja as instinctively you pick up your left hand for everything and then the pujari or somebody reminds you to pick up your right hand. Challenges as  such are none, whether you are left handed or right handed doesn't make a difference. As an actor sometimes if there is a shot to write something, the camera angle and everything else is actually made for the right handed only. When I reach the set and tell them that I am left handed, they have to change the whole thing. That's the only thing, in fact there has been stigma as such, in fact it has been the opposite. I have always been told that left handed people are more intelligent and sharp and if anything, that has added more pressure on me, it's not been a stigma. As such no advantages being a left hander, only that I feel if someone acts smart with me, he may think I will punch him with my right hand, but I may just land up catching him by surprise by punching him with my left hand. No challenges as such, not much a difference. Favorite left handers are so many, Sarah Jessica Parker is left handed, Sachin Tendulkar is left handed, John F Kennedy was left handed, I think myself lucky when I count myself with these big people. Any tips to bringing up left handers? Please don't force them to use their right hand, let them use whatever hand they are comfortable with and comes naturally to them. Many parents force children, some even beat them up to use their right hand. Please don't do that, let them grow however they wish to grow