Self-believe plays very important factor to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities
Over 150 participants have attended the webinar

New Delhi: To Pursuing, Fostering & Transforming Ideas to Enterprises PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in association with Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), NIIT University organised a Webinar on “Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Idea Generation- Validation and Evaluation” on Saturday, 29th September2020 at 2:00 PM. The objective of the session is to provide the right tips and guidance on creating and presenting your ideas for businesses for students and start up whom willing starting their venture.
Prof Eswaran Narasimhan, Dean Industry Practice, NIIT University shared the issues and challenges faced by the new start-ups in setting up business. He explained the past and present of the entrepreneurship industry and the opportunities for growth available in the present times.
Dr Ranjeet Mehta, Principal Director, PHDCCI mentioned India has 62.5% of its population in the age group of 15-59 years which is ever increasing and will be at the peak around 2036 when it will reach approximately 65%. The Covid-19 pandemic has amplified the challenges to the youth as regards employment opportunities. He apprised Self-believe plays a very important factor to pursue Entrepreneurial Opportunities.
Mr D P Goel, Co Chairman MSME Committee PHDCCI said coming up with a great idea or spotting an opportunity is key to successful business. The first idea is usually not the best. In order to have great idea you need to have many ideas. You need to evaluate your ideas from different perspectives in order to make the decision and start the business.
Mr Vivek Dahiya, Founder, Boudhik Ventures talked about the idea, idealizing, validation, and evaluation which is considered as the starting step towards building a start-up. He deliberated about making the idea into a reality through examples and case studies of various start-ups and companies. He talked about the importance of starting point, planning, strategizing, and making it flexible for the changing times. He also shared success stories of students in colleges, making their start-ups and now flourishing in the industry. Over 150 participants have attended the webinar which included students, entrepreneurs, educationalists, Start-up aspirants across the country.