Shamsur Rahman joins as SRM, IOB, RO, Ludhiana
He has replaced Ajay Tembhekar

Ludhiana: Shamsur Rahman has joined as Senior Regional Manager (SRM), Indian Overseas Bank, Regional Office, Ludhiana recently. He has been transferred here from Bank's Kolkata Regional office
Shamsur Rahman has replaced Ajay Tembhekar who has been transferred to the Bank’s Mumbai Regional Office.
Shamsur Rahman had joined the Bank as the Agricultural officer in Moradabad way back in the year 1991. Since then he has worked at various locations across the country.
Shamsur Rahman was accorded warm welcome by Chief Manager Sanjay Jha, Chief Manager L.S.Bhatia, Chief Manager Rajan Sharma, Senior Manager Parveen Gandhi, Senior Manager Amit Chawla, Officer Association AGS Ashwani Sharda and other staff members
Meanwhile, Shamsur Rahman spoke about his goal to grow the business of the bank with the support and efforts of each bank employee and to provide benefits of government policies to there customers on regular basis.