Shree Guru Amardass Jee Senior Citizen Home writes to Punjab Minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu
Demand certain things for welfare and betterment of citizens

Ludhiana, August 24, 2021: Shree Guru Amardass Jee Senior Citizen Home, Rishi Nagar, Ludhiana chairman Ved Vrat Bhalla and senior vice chairman Dr Satish Thaman have sent a joint representation to Punjab Minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu, demanding certain things.
They stated that opening of CGHS (Designed as wellness centre independently under permanent CGHS – indoor /outdoor hospital in mega city of Ludhiana), is the need of the hour. Among other things, they also pressed upon the need:
• To start / construct electric crematorium, in all five improvement trust colonies, of the Improvement Trust, Ludhiana.
• To regularisation of CLU (Change of Land Use) and (MLU Mixed Land Use) violations, must be checked and regularised as per rules.
• To ensure betterment of Senior Citizen Homes
• To ensure that owners of vacant plots of the improvement trust, must be directed to built-up deserted / isolated plots /SCFs causing nuisance in locations
• To start holding meetings of Ludhiana West Grivances Redressal Committee.
• To scrap old layer before new carpeting on the roads.
• To control wandering stray cattle, walking on the roads.
• To desilt all sewerage points, on all roads.
• To erect rain harvesting system on all the roads.
• To implement OTS (One Time Settlement Scheme).
• To start and regularise, one time settlement building site plans.
• To ensure amenities and cleanliness in all five Improvement Trust colonies
• To compound OTS (One Time Settlement Scheme).
• To built-up flats for Improvement Trust Staff / Cadre.
• To allow change of name of properties of XYZ Flats, in 256 Acre Improvement Trust Scheme.
• To allow conversion of residential location to commercial use with the permission of Improvement Trust
• To collect samples through testing for improvement of betterment of carpeting of the roads.
Meanwhile, they have also hailed the newly appointed members to Improvement Trust, Ludhiana. They hoped that now Improvement Trust, Ludhiana will be able to get experienced feedback of members for betterment of Improvement Trust activities, in order to raise revenue from the Improvement Trust.
It may be mentioned here that Punjab minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu and Ludhiana Mayor Balkar Singh Sandhu are Chief Patron, and Patron, respectively, of the Shree Guru Amardass Jee Senior Citizen Home.