Significance Of Smile
Sweet smile provides mental, physical and social health. Our frame of mind remains positive.

by Lalit Berry
" Pillows might be hard,
Keep your dreams silky & soft
Even in bad phase of life "
Yes, dear friends! Comfort, peace, success are wrapped in a petty curve line which is widely known as smile. Just ask a question to yourself, " With whom you would prefer to interact? Option A is an attractive person bearing smile and Option B is an arrogant person with eyebrows giving looks of bow-arrows. Obviously you will go with Option A. Smile is a natural make up bestowed by God for attractive persona.
Sweet smile provides mental, physical and social health. Our frame of mind remains positive. A trustworthy relationship starts developing with people. Smile is a natural pain killer that redeems our anguish and stress. It is a free of cost divine medicine that keeps blood pressure, heart ailments at bay by strengthening our immune system.
Tell me friends, do you have to pay any price for smile? Just bring smile on your face and see how much winsome is life and how much awesome is lifestyle.
" Keep on smiling
Keep on smiling
Life is a song
Keep on smiling while singing "