SM Eye Institution organised free camp

Dharamsala, November 14, 2021: S.M.Eye Institute at Kangra organized a free eye check-up camp with the help of NCC at Bangana on Saturday.
The team was led by ophthalmic officers namely Anju, Des Raj, Sunil Kumar, Ajay Bhatia, Manohar, Subin Kumar, Ravinder and Onkar Chand Sharma.
According to the founder and director of the institution Dr. Sandeep Mahajan a total 160 patients suffering from eye diseases were examined and treated free of cost. The needy patients were given medicines free of cost. Besides, 16 patients were advised cataract surgeries under various cashless schemes of the government.
He told that the doctors of the institution also used to visit the remote areas for free checkups and guidance.