Solidarity expressed with farmers by skipping lunch
Dr Arun Mitra said that several people from other sections of the society also skipped their lunch as a solidarity with the farmers
Ludhiana: At the call by the All India Trade Union Congress AITUC), the workers expressed solidarity with the agitating farmers who are on a chain hunger strikes by skipping lunch. At Chowkiman, the trade union comrades joined the agitation and raised the slogan of Kisan-Mazdoor-Jawan ekta. In a statement, D.P Maur Senior Vice President AITUC Punjab said that conspiracies are being made against farmers and workers which is being opposed on a large scale unitedly. The government has been alarmed by the protests and has resorted to repression. Farmers and laborers are sitting on the outskirts of Delhi in the cold and many have died but they are being completely ignored by the government. He condemned the insensitive attitude of the government. The dictatorship has been challenged by the farmers and the workers unitedly without any discrimination and with communal harmony and maintaining proper discipline. The anti-farmers Acts will have a detrimental effect not only on the farmers but also on the general consumers and the food security of the country.
Dr Arun Mitra said that several people from other sections of the society also skipped their lunch as a solidarity with the farmers.