Steelbird opens first showroom In Assam
The store will retail world famous helmets and side boxes and other riding accessories

Steelbird Hi-Tech India Ltd, one of India’s largest helmet brand has set up its first exclusive shopee at Chhayagaon-Guwahati Road,Ratanpur, Near SBI Bank Kamrup, Assam. The store will retail world famous helmets and side boxes and other riding accessories.
The store named M/s Rimu Automobiles-Steelbird helmets will let motorcycles riders to choose the products on their own. Sharing the vision behind this move of Steelbird Helmets, Mr. Rajeev Kapur–MD Steelbird Helmets says, “Assam being good density Population area, there is a lot of potential to pay and vehicle population is also very high. You can find super bikes and lot of trendy bikes in the possession of youngster these days. To ride these bikes one must have riding gears which we will provide through these outlets. To begin with we are selling Steelbird’s exclusive range of helmets, side boxes and other allied products. We shall keep introducing new and hi-tech biking gears in due course of time in these outlets.”
Mr. Shailendra Jain – Global Group President Steelbird Helmet added “Indian two wheeler industries has maximum share of motorcycles, creating a huge market for Biking Gears. However, the riders have hardly any choice if he wishes to buy authentic branded and international quality riding gears.By opening Exclusive retail outlets, we are certainly bridging this huge gap and also educating people to go for qualitative products as every single product we are offering will help the riders to drive safely with style.”At this outlet people will be able to feel the buying experience with combination of technical knowhow through the experts sitting in the showrooms to educate the people on the products and their functionalities. At exclusive outlet, the customer will also get guidance on the kind of product they should buy.