Studying Abroad: 7 Reasons Indian Students Leave Their Country to Get a Degree

Apart from China, the only other country they send the most students to study abroad is India. The country itself does have its fair share of educational institutions that are highly rated, plenty of Indians have a desire to study abroad in countries like the UK, Canada, Australia, and the USA. The question now is, what are the reasons why Indian students go abroad to study?
1. More variety when it comes to courses
While India has taken great strides when it comes to its educational system, the majority of the courses are traditional. Many of them will include subjects like mathematics, science, and engineering. With a desire to learn something different, many Indians will look abroad because they know they have a chance to study something rare and less explored.
On top of that, countries like the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia have top-notch educational systems. The chance to grow and learn in these countries is too good to turn down when the opportunity arises for many Indians.
2. Easier admission
With billions of people in the country, getting enrolled in some colleges or universities in India is tougher because competition is very stiff. To avoid being involved in the rat race, many Indians choose to study abroad because they know they have a much better chance of being accepted as long as they have the financiers and academic credentials. The admission process in other countries is considered easier by Indians when they compare it to that of their native country.
3. Start a life in a developed country
plenty of Indians choose to study abroad because they look at it as a wonderful way to settle in a developed country. Countries like Australia and Canada for example are very welcome to foreigners and will offer them great jobs with higher pay as long as they prove themselves academically. Studies that have been conducted in recent years have shown that over 80% of Asian students opt to continue living in the foreign country they did their studies in. They look at it as a wonderful opportunity to not only better their lives but those of their loved ones as well.
4. Easy to find a job when they return home
Any Indian student who has a degree from abroad, especially from a country like the UK or USA is an attractive asset for many of the local organizations. They will have little problems finding a job because local organizations will know they will bring a wealth of experience gained during their time abroad.
This experience is very important because it can help an organization figure out new strategies to compete, increase its revenue as well as branch out. If an Indian company wants to do business with a company in the USA or the UK, it doesn't harm their chances of success if they have a student in their ranks who studied in these countries.
They will be able to bring a lot to the business table because having studied there, they will be able to understand their British or American counterparts better. It is a major advantage for an Indian company to have students who have studied abroad in their ranks, hence why these students are snapped up quickly. Competition for their signature is very fierce, and whoever offers them the best pay package has a chance of attracting them to their company.
5. Independence
When a person is young and going through life early on, they are heavily reliant on their parents to teach them new things and make some big decisions on their behalf. As soon as one becomes a young adult, it is time to make decisions on their own and learn from their own mistakes. Being independent and making decisions on their own is also another reason why many Indian students choose to study abroad.
Being in another country takes them out of their comfort zone, and they realize they need to stand on their own two feet if they want to succeed. When one has their parents by their side bailing them out, they won’t learn from their mistakes quickly enough, but being alone in another country helps one develop self-independence and quick-thinking skills.
6. New life experience
There is an expression that says “life is a teacher, we learn something new every single day”. Sometimes all one needs to expand their knowledge is to go out of their comfort zone and visit another country. Studying abroad allows Indians to collaborate and interact with different professionals and students from across the world.
The experience they gain does prove useful when they return to India, plus being in a foreign means exposure to new cultures, new foods, new ways of thinking, and more. Homesickness is natural and does affect anyone who is away from the comforts of home for the first time in their lives. With so many social events in foreign countries, one will be able to have the new life experience they are looking for and embrace their new surroundings.
7. Improve language skills
When one is learning or being taught in a different language than their mother tongue, they can improve their language skills. Plenty of countries offer courses in English because it is the most spoken language in the world. For Indians that want to polish up their English, studying abroad is a wonderful way to improve both writing and speaking. Some even turn to professional essay services like in order to get help with college writing as well as see how to express thoughts in English. When one immerses themselves in their course and interacts with many people, especially native English speakers, they will improve quicker.
There are many people in India who hold degrees from some top universities in the world, and this has helped them secure top positions at some of the biggest companies in the country. Studying abroad opens up new experiences for many Indians, a chance to see life in a different light to what they are used to back home. A chance to learn a new language, meet new people and experience a different culture while studying is too good to turn down. Of all the reasons above, getting a job easily when they return is the major motivating factor and the main reason why Indians choose to study abroad. An international degree helps them stand out from their peers during the recruitment and selection process, as they will bring international experience to the table.