Suggestions to all the importers/by Subhash Bajaj
Shares his personal experience

It is my submission to all the importers of India that we had been depending upon China for so many things due to the reasons:
1. The rates are very very competitive &
2. Moreover the required quantity was supplied immediately.
No doubt, we will stop to procure the material from China but there are very very fair chance that it may be supplied through Dubai, Singapore & other countries, which are the wholesale countries for import & export business.
There are very very fair chances that the Chinese products may come through these countries, without mentioning the name of the manufacturer and the country name.
I am going to share my personal experience that myself is dealing in Auto Parts. This is the matter of late 70s and early 80s. My ‘VEER’ brand became very popular in Pakistan as my quality matched to UK as well as German product when the Singapore & Hong Kong was only the markets which they used to feed the whole world, specially Middle East, Far East & African countries and little bit to European countries. I was instructed by my buyers who exported my product to Pakistan not to mention ‘Made in India’ but later on it was further instructed that my company name should not be on the Boxes. So, I used to supply only my brand on the boxes. Similar practice may be done by Chinese exporters to many countries.
Meanwhile, Dubai became very popular for re-exporting the product to the above mentioned countries. So, my buyers instructed me very strictly that now even the name of the company is not to be mentioned and only the Brand.
Dear friends, it becomes my duty to aware importers that such practices may be started by Chinese manufacturers. So, you are to be very very careful before importing any product, specially from Dubai & other countries, who are importing & exporting. I need not to go further in detail as such importers understand the business very well.
(Subhash Bajaj is President - North India Chamber of Exports & Chairman – FAPMA (Federation of Auto Parts Manufacturer Association)