Take cognizance of transgressing constitutional duties by the officers of Punjab Government. Kalia writes to Punjab Governor.
Urges Governor to ask for explanation and issue necessary instructions not to jump the parameters of Constitutional duties in future.

Jalandhar, April 12, 2022: BJP’s senior leader and former Punjab Minister, Manoranjan Kalia has written to Punjab Governor stating that this epistle requires immediate attention and action to restrain the officers of Punjab Government from transgressing the constitutional duties to please the so called political master.
He brought to the notice of Punjab Governor that a few days ago, Chief Secretary Anirudh Tewari, Power Secretary Dalip Kumar and Chairman PSPCL Baldev Singh Sran attended the meeting at Delhi which was called by Chief Minister Delhi Arvind Kejriwal, as being widely circulated in media. The said meeting was also attended by Satinder Jain, Power Minister, Government of Delhi and Raghav Chaddha, Member Parliament Rajya Sabha.
Kalia pointed out that the Chief Minister Delhi has no constitutional power to call the officers of Punjab Government and to discuss the matters relating to Punjab Government. Only Chief Minister Punjab Bhagwant Singh Mann and Ministers of Punjab Government can call the meeting relating to Punjab matters and none else. Chief Minister, Delhi State Arvind Kejriwal even cannot sit constitutionally in the meeting of officers called by Chief Minister Punjab Bhagwant Singh Mann. Thus, Chief Secretary, Power Secretary of Punjab Government and Chairman PSPCL has violated the spirit of constitution by attending the meeting called by Chief Minister Delhi Arvind Kejriwal who has no authority to call the meeting of officers of Punjab Government.
Further, Kalia said it is pertinent to note that at the time of joining the services, every officer is administered the oath of true faith and allegiance to constitution, which stood violated by the Chief Secretary, Power Secretary and the Chairman PSPCL. Every officer is bound by the Official Secrets Act. The officers who attended the meeting called by Chief Minister Delhi Arvind Kejriwal have violated the said Act.
“If the chief secretary being the administrative head of the state transgresses the constitutional duties to please political masters, how can he stop the officers under him”, he asked.
Concluding, Kalia said, “Your good-self being the constitutional head of the State may take the cognizance of transgressing the Constitutional duties by the Officers of the Punjab Government and ask for explanation and issue necessary instructions not to jump the parameters of Constitutional duties in future.”