Ted Ed Club launched at DCM Presidency School
TedEd Club is a great platform to express to an audience
Ludhiana: Why do we dream ?What makes a great leader ?These are just few of the topics that students are exploring through TED-Ed Clubs. Ted Ed Club was launched in DCM Presidency School to celebrate the ideas of students. TED-Ed Clubs offer students a hands-on opportunity to work on the storytelling and communication skills.A formal virtual ceremony was organized for the parents and students where videos made by the students were presented. Riddhi Gujral student of Class V spoke on “A great and peaceful heart is magnet of miracles”.The ceremony started with a welcome speech given by the Adult Advisor ,Ms.Shiwani Marwaha. Club Convener Ms.Rameeta Sharma, introduced everyone about the working of the club .
The experience was pivotal for many students. Navgun Singh of class IX said that “TedEd Club is a great platform to express myself to an audience.” Principal Ms.Rajni Kalra said that such platforms help the students to come out of their shells and express their views on various topics .The ceremony ended with a formal Vote of Thanks given by the Co Convener Ms.Shalini Mukherjee.