Third day of live yoga week at Home Science College
Vedika, a student of B.Sc Home Science 4th Semester demonstrated various asanas

Chandigarh: On the occasion of 6th International Yoga Day & 3rd Day of Online Yoga Week organised for faculty & students by the college, an Online Yoga Session was conducted on google meet app to celebrate 6th International Yoga Day. The live session was also screened on YouTube app due to overwhelming response of participants. The theme of the session was Yoga at Home & Yoga with Family. The theme focused on benefits of various yogic asanas and how these asanas affect our life.
Vedika, a student of B.Sc Home Science 4th Semester demonstrated various asanas like Tadasana, Paschimottanasana, Sethu Bandhasana and Pranayam including Brahmari, Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati along with explaining the importance of each asana. The session was attended by over 300 participants which included teaching and non- teaching staff and students of the college. Audience thoroughly performed the session as demonstrated. It brought a breeze of freshness amongst the participants.
Prof. Sudha Katyal, Principal of the college applauded the efforts of the organising committee and all the participants who participated in the session with great zeal. She further highlighted the significance of performing yoga asanas and motivated the participants to make yoga part of their life.