Three-day fest ECTOPIA-2024 concludes with a glittering prize distribution ceremony

The three day event ‘Ectoipa 2024’ which was concluded yesterday with a glittering prize  ceremony yesterday.

Three-day fest ECTOPIA-2024 concludes with a glittering prize distribution ceremony

Ludhiana, September 27, 2024: The three day event ‘Ectoipa 2024’ which was concluded yesterday with a glittering prize  ceremony yesterday.

The events started with a quiz with the theme “Atlas”. Another interesting event “Duet Singing” in which Arsh and Palak 2019 won the first prize.

Secretary DMC&H Managing Society, Bipin Gupta and Treasurer, DMC&H Managing Society Mukesh Kumar congratulated to DMC&H cultural committee and students of Organizing committee, Ectopia 2024.
Dr Gurpreet Singh Wander, principal DMC&H appreciated all the students for their active participation and beautifully portraying the theme, Ka-fila.
Dr Monika Singla, Organising Chairperson of Cultural Committee and Dr Dinesh Jain, Secretary delivered the Vote of thanks and concluded the three day cultural fest.

“Solo singing” made the day melodious where students sung songs in harmony and also played instruments like Guitar and Keyboard showing their talents, not only as budding doctors but musicians as well. 1st prize was bagged by Arshpreet batch 2019 among the

Students also participated in ‘Chance pe Dance’ followed by a Fashion Show, which is a hallmark of ECTOPIA every year. In the fashion show, the participants were dressed in sizzling outfits and walked down the ramp with rocking music in the background. Then, there was ‘Interbatch Western Dance’ which made the audience danced on their toes.

Other competitions at the event were antakshri, solo dance, solo singing, quiz, poetry.

Group dance ectopia 2024 – 1st -Harsimar and group 2020, Gurnoor and group 2019 -1st prize, Devin and group 2022 -2nd prize, Mehak and group 2023 - 2nd prize, Dishant and group 2021 - 3 rd prize, Rehan and group 2021-3rd prize, Akanksha and group 2023 - consolation prize, Sukham and group 2022 - consolation prize

Enchanted prince : Rehan ( batch 2021) , Enchanted princess , Rashmin ( Batch 2019) , Ms mystic muse : Sejal Garg ( Batch 2019) , Miss forest radiance , Anvi badyal (2023 ) , Mr forest Radiance :Nikhil kandal (2021) , Mr mystic stride :  Aarim dutta (2022) ,Ms fairy gleam : Harnoor chahal (2021)
Mr & Ms Ectopia Title :- Mr Ectopia: Gurnoor Singh thind and Navdeep Singh (2019), Ms. Ectopia: Ishita Garg (2019)