To be successful, focus on your personality growth: VC Prof (Dr) Sharma
VC IKGPTU invite all university academic departments to work on personality development

Jalandhar/Kapurthala: To be well established or to become all-rounder, find some time to invest in yourself first, then for students. Take the responsibility and focus on students Personality Growth so that they become all-rounder. By this message Prof. (Dr.) Ajay Kumar Sharma, Vice Chancellor I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) invites University's all Academic Departments to work on personality development. He said that the world of opportunity is in search of personality people, so we have to work on it to achieve more, to provide more to our students.
On this message, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication of IKGPTU take the initiative and organized first one day workshop on personality development. The subject of the workshop was 'Personality Development and Soft Skills'. Ms. Ramanpreet Kaur, CEO, Shamsheer School of Media Arts, Soft skills and Vocational training addressed to students as key resource person. Dr. Ekta Mahajan, Assistant Professor extended her floral welcome.
While addressing the students, resource person Ramanpreet Kaur focused on improving the communication skills of the students in order to prepare them for job interviews. Various parameters like basics of introduction, body language, positive attitude, interactive skills and time management were discussed by the speaker. She also shared tips on healthy eating and developing good habits like reading literature and upgrading knowledge of your subject.
Speaker involved the students in various activities to make the session interactive. Dr. Ranbir Singh, Head of the Department said that the objective of this workshop was to inculcate self-confidence, enhance self-esteem and improve overall personality of the students.