Tobacco Cessation Centre inaugurated

DMC&H Ludhiana inaugurated the Tobacco Cessation Centre today under the initiative of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Govt. of India at its OPD Block with the message to have Tobacco Free Youth, nation-wide.

Tobacco Cessation Centre inaugurated

Ludhiana, September 24, 2024: DMC&H Ludhiana inaugurated the Tobacco Cessation Centre today under the initiative of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Govt. of India at its OPD Block with the message to have Tobacco Free Youth, nation-wide.

The inauguration was attended by Principal, Dr G S Wander; Dean Academics Dr Sandeep Kaushal; Medical Supdt. Dr Sandeep  Sharma along with faculty members from the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry and Community Medicine of DMC&H.

Bipin Gupta Secretary, DMC&H Managing Society, highlighted that, DMC&H is always  committed to spread awareness among the masses and this centre will assist the patients  to change their tobacco consumption behaviour through quitting or reducing as well as to increase their confidence and commitment to staying tobacco-free. The institution is declared as No Tobacco Zone’.

Speaking on the occasion, Principal, Dr G S Wander stated, that this campaign is especially designed for tobacco free youth nation-wide. Various services regarding assessment, pharmaco therapy and counseling sessions will be provided by Tobacco Cessation Centre at DMC&H.

In his message Dean Academics, Dr Sandeep Kaushal said that, DMC&H has actively participated in various awareness campaigns and being a part of this campaign DMC&H is spreading message about quit tobacco and smoking. This will reduce preventable diseases due to consumption of Tobacco products and also  provided one  point patient care for helping patient who  wants to quit tobacco.