Training program for administrative officers at PU
Eminent experts of respective areas were invited in this programme

Chandigarh: In order to enhance the administrative skills of human resource of Panjab University Chandigarh as well as to keep them abreast with latest Updation in their respective areas of work, the Finance Department of PU in association with the UGC sponsored Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) of PU organized a Two-day Training Programme for administrative officers of PU under the aegis of RUSA 2.0 (MHRD) on 14-15th February, 2020.
In the above programme, various important topics were discussed, which were very relevant for the Administrative Officers as per the contemporary need.
The topics included ‘Overview of provisions of GST Act with special reference to Educational Institutions’, ‘Roles and Responsibility of PIOs under RTI Act-2005’, ‘Government e-market Place (GeM) and e-procurement’, ‘Noting and Drafting skills’, ‘Compliance of provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961 and rules framed there under’, ‘IT Skills with special reference to preventive mechanism to protect data, Hardwar & Software from various IT related threats’.
Eminent experts of respective areas were invited in this programme namely, CA Rajiv K. Sharma, GST Consultant, Shri Harmesh Lal, Joint Commissioner, Income Tax, Sh. Gurcharan Singh, Faculty Member, Central Detective Training Institute, Professor Jyoti Rattan, Department of Law, Shri B.S. Vidyarthi, Administrative Officer, BHU and Shri Naveen Joshi, Regional Manager, Government e-market Place (GeM) and e-Procurement.
Professor R.C. Sobti was the Chief Guest who highlighted value of education for the overall development of the society. The programme was coordinated by Shri Vikram Nayyar, Finance & Development Officer under the aegis of Human Resource Development Centre headed by Professor S.K. Tomar, Honorary Director.
37 Administrative Officers of the University participated in the above training programme. Professor S.K. Tomar, Honorary Director noticed a very encouraging response from the participants. All the participants hailed the initiative of the University as it would help in improving their efficiency to serve the students and society in a better way.
In the valedictory function, the Chief Guest Dr. K.S. Arya (former fellow of Panjab University) awarded the Certificates to the participants.