Transplant best option for Kidney failure in children: Dr. Aulakh

Ludhiana, October 17, 2021: A CME on Kidney Diseases in Children was organised by Aykai Hospital in collabration with Ludhiana Academy Of Paediatrics at Hotel Park Plaza, Ludhiana on Saturday which was attended by around 40 Paediatrician doctors.
The event began with Dr. Vivek Anand Jha, an internationally reknowned Nephrologist, past president International Society Of Nephrology & Director Nephrology Aykai Hospital, sensitizing folks about the increasing incedence of the diseases of kidney in children during the recent years.Highlighting this he then discussed a condition of Nephrotic syndrome which is 15 % more common in children than adults and most commonly affect children ranging from 1.5 to 6 years of age. In this condition the tissue of the kidney is damaged resulting in the release of too much protein into the urine causing swelling of the face specially the under eye puffiness; this is followed by swelling of the entire body. He explained how diseases like diabetes , bacterial & viral infections , malaria and untreated strept infections of throat and skin , even taking certain medicines can lead to a child developing Nepthrotic syndrome. Dr. Jha mentioned that these children are often brought to OPD by their parents with complaints like blood in the child's urine,symptoms of the infection such as fever , lethargy , irritability , loss of appetite or abdominal pain , dicreased urine output and sometimes increased blood pressure. He then added that the parents should not feel anxcious showing the child to the nephrologist , thanks to the advancement in the modren medical science , it can be treated by medications, or kidney transplant and a child can have a healthy normal life afterwards.
He then invited the well known Urologist of the region Dr. Baldev Singh Aulakh, Director Urology & Kidney transplant Surgery Aykai Hospital to discuss his views on Kidney transplant in Children. Dr. Aulakh pointed out how kidney failure due to any reason can have a negative impact on a child's growth, sexual maturity ,bone strength and can affect a child's brain development and function, causing social & academic learning disabilities. .Dr. Aulakh said that having a kidney transplant is the best option which means your child would not have to do dialysis, which takes up lots of time and could disrupt the child's social and school life. Children for any matter shouldnot have to go thru a disabling childhood specially when the condition can be tackled and parents should not feel aphrehended opting for child's kidney transplant . Dr. Aulakh highlighed that donors for children are often their parents and very rarely siblings or other family members. He said that parents are the best donors because they often have the same blood type and tissue match . Further informing about the transplant ,he mentioned that a child older than 2 years of age can get an adult kidney, as long as the kidney fits in their body. Only following a limited post transplant precautions of not allowing the child near people who are sick , modifying lifestyle and taking timely medications gets the childs quality of life back on track . Dr. Aulakh was happy to share how on the follow up visits parents tell that their child has more energy now , is eating better, and is even starting to grow more quickly. The one thing that every parent says is getting the child a kidney transplant was their best decision ever.
Dr.Shiv Gupta,President Ludhiana Academy of Paediatrics greeted the speakers Dr. Vivek Anand Jha & Dr. B S Aulakh,expressed warmth and gratitude towards the audience. Dr. Ashwani Singal, Secretary Ludhiana Acadmey of Paediatrics, gave an overview of the CME and extended a warm welcome to both the speakers.
In the end members of the Ludhiana Academy of Physicians hailed both the Aykai doctors for taking this innitiative. The question answer session was taken by Dr. Jha & Dr. Aulakh to answer the audience queries .They congratulated all the members for actively participating in this CME and for its successful completion. The ultimate objective of spotlighting the childhood kidney health issues & solutions was fulfilled and the CME concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Ashwani Singal.