TRIO World Academy commemorates the centenary celebration (100 Years) of World War I
Author(s): City Air NewsBangalore, October 26, 2018: TRIO World Academy is commemorating the Centenary of the First World War by organizing an “Entrenched Exhibition” themed “White Pepper Black Pepper”, a real time experience for students...

Bangalore, October 26, 2018: TRIO World Academy is commemorating the Centenary of the First World War by organizing an “Entrenched Exhibition” themed “White Pepper Black Pepper”, a real time experience for students built through the trenches, in the school campus. NGO Foundation Rereeti- Revitalizing Museums was part of setting up the trenches.
The name White Pepper Black Pepper has been inspired from the many codes used during the war by the soldiers and the army’s involved. The trenches depict the reality the soldiers have gone through during the war period. The language codes used by the soldiers to communicate, encryption of their daily retaliation stories and the gas attacks faced by them were all illustrated to the students for them to recognize the history, acknowledge and appreciate India’s contribution to the great War.
The exhibition is designed as a stand-alone structure that takes the students and teachers through a journey of fact, thought, emotion and experience as they interact and connect with the visual, tactile and aural exhibit. It also emphasizes on India's role in the world war and how the other nationality soldiers were trained to use the codes designed in Hindi and Urdu through films and documentaries.
Trio World Academy is also conceptualizing, curating and executing a year-long project which focuses on Bangalore and Mysore State’s connection with the War. Mysore State’s contribution during the First World War was beyond expectations and had contributed huge amounts of manpower and had provided huge sums for the war effort financially.
“This Exhibition has been organised in order to pay our tribute, respect and gratitude to the soldiers who fought during the First World War. Our main focus was to highlight our Indian Soldiers participation and their contribution and sacrifice in the world war 1 also known as the ‘The Great War’ and ‘The Trench War’ says Dr. Meraj Ahmad, Head of the Department, History, Trio World Academy.
“The entrenched exhibition was an amazing and exceptional experience which gave us a peek into the soldier’s life during wartime. The sound tracks and flashlights used while walking in the trenches gave us a feel of the war and the conditions wherein the soldiers fought from. We all have to salute the soldiers for their patriotism and sacrifice” says Reyhan Ram, Students of Grade XI, Trio World Academy.