Two-day FDP on emerging pedagogical and research trends in Business Management at GNA University
The session started with the Opening Remarks of Vice Chancellor Sir Dr. V.K. Rattan

Jalandhar: GNA University organized a 2 Day Faculty Development Program on Emerging Pedagogical and Research Trends in Business Management via Blackboard the virtual platform. The sole objective of this FDP was to unleash all the new research trends in the business sector.
The session started with the Opening Remarks of Vice Chancellor Sir Dr. V.K. Rattan which was then proceeded by the Inaugural Address Dr. Monika Hanspal, Dean Academics, GNA University and then the FDP in detail was outlined by Mr. Ramandeep Singh, Program Convenor and Assistant Professor, GNA Business School.
The FDP was divided into six technical sessions focussing upon research trends in different areas. Three technical sessions were conducted each day. The FDP was organized in the presence of eminent resource persons across the country.
The first technical session was conducted by Dr. Harmeen Soch, Professor & Head, Department of Management, I.K.G Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala on the Latest Teaching Pedagogical Techniques.
The second technical session was taken over by Dr. Satish Kumar, Associate Professor, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan on the Emerging Research Trends in Finance.
Then, the third technical session was proceeded by Dr. Chirag Malik, Associate Professor, BML Munjal University, Gurgaon, Haryana on Research Trends on Business Analytics.
The fourth technical session was taken over by Dr. Sona Vikas, Associate Professor, IILM University, Gurugram, Haryana on Research Trends on Human Resources.
The fifth technical session was taken over by Dr. Lokesh Jindal, Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on Research Trends in Marketing.
The sixth technical session was based on Research Trends in Corporate Strategy which was presided by Dr. Gagandeep Sharma, Associate Professor, University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi.
Every Session commenced with the views of the resource person first. After every session a Q&A Session took place which concluded with a Vote of Thanks of the Moderator of the respective sessions.
The virtual conclave was attended by the members from the academic fraternity and some aspirants of the teaching industry. The FDP was highly appreciated by the participants as they lauded the efforts of the GNA Business School and they had thoroughly gained insights into research practices in different arenas.
The event concluded with a Valedictory Session in which Vote of Thanks was presented by Dr. Sameer Verma, Dean GNA Business School in which he thanked all the participants, resource persons, the GNA University Management and the Program Convenor. He also appreciated the efforts of his department for conducting such a splendid event.
S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Pro-Chancellor expressed, “I am really elated to witness the appreciable number of participation in this FDP from across the globe.”