Two days national seminar concludes at PU
The theme of seminar was “Communication in Virtual Environment in Socio-Emotional Learning”

Chandigarh: With the initiatives of Ministry of Education, under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, the Center for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM) running in Panjab University Chandigarh, organized two days National Seminar from March 26-27, 2021 on the theme of “Communication in Virtual Environment in Socio-Emotional Learning”
Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh in his welcome address, shared that the main objective of this National Seminar is to create awareness among faculty members about the online teaching-learning tools. Learning of these tools and techniques will help the faculty members to design their own online courses as well as E-content for the online teaching, learning and evaluation. He said that our teachers have to use this opportunity to refine their skills for managing instructions in the virtual classroom.
The National Seminar had some eminent resource persons who are an authority in the field of virtual communication. Prof. Rekha Bhan Koul from Curtin University, Australia delivered the keynote address. She apprised the participants of the initiatives taken by her University in Covid-19 pandemic times. She supplemented her address based on her research findings about the perception of the students towards socio-emotional learning through virtual mode. She highlighted upon the pedagogical shifts like Cognitivist approach, Constructivist approach, and Virtual approach, and how these impact emotions.
Prof. Baby Shari from Calicut University, Kerala cited some best practices being followed in virtual communication.
Dr. Sandeep Sandhu from Monash University, Australia deliberated upon innovative pedagogies for virtual learning. She cited some learning models which Monash University is following for students and research scholars.
Dr. Nisha Singh from IGNOU, New Delhi discussed about the elements of digital classroom. She gave an insight into the different open-source software’s available for teachers and researchers which are having creative commons licence. She stressed upon the 5Rs of OER which we need to follow in virtual teaching-learning as Reuse, Revise, Remix, Redistribute, and Retain.
Earlier in the day the participants presented papers on the various sub-themes of this programme. More than 150 participants from 35 Institutions from India got registered for this National Seminar. The course was coordinated by Prof. Jatinder Grover (Coordinator CALEM), Prof. Navleen Kaur (CEDS, P.U. Chandigarh), Dr. Vishal Sharma (Chairperson, IFSC & Coordinator, Swayam), Dr. Kanwalpreet Kaur ( IETVE), Panjab University, Chandigarh.
Prof. Jatinder Grover, Coordinator CALEM shared that Centre for academic Leadership and Educational Management had organised 27 programmes during the pandemic times till date. Around 5000 teachers from higher education institutions across India and few from across the world, have benefited from CALEM programmes.