UIPS IEC series webinar under MHRD Institution’s Innovation Council and Placement Cell
“Career Overseas: Un-fogging the Future”

Chandigarh: University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS) organized an international webinar on “Career Overseas: Un-fogging the Future” by the alumnus Ms Aarushi Grover Genentech, Member of Roche Pharma, USA, Ms Sugandha Gupta, University of Kansas, USA and Ms Deepshikha Uppal, Community Pharmacy, Canada all from the B-Pharm 2013-2017 batch of UIPS.
Ms Aarushi Grover shared on how to prepare for the exam GRE. She also discussed at length how to prepare application package including preparation of statement of purpose, getting recommendation letters, transcripts. She gave an insight into the minutest details which require attention. She very explicitly shared about the visa application. She emphasized that supervisors in foreign universities are keen to know about student’s behavior. Behavior is very important aspect of one’s personality and they are really serious about it. They usually ask behavioral questions like “Please recall how you reacted when someone hurt you? Or how you handled a particular real-life situation you faced?” In brief she suggested that what ever claims you make in your application you must have examples or situations to back it.
Sugandha explained details of TOEFL exam, and how to prepare for it. She deliberated upon whether to apply for MS or a PhD Program and shared that Masters is always a good place to start with, which you can finish in short time and can get a job right after that. She said that if one is interested in getting into academics and research, then opting for PhD is a good option. Also, she shared her experience about choosing right university and how geographical location plays an important role in landing a good job. She contemplated upon creating a good network with faculty, academicians, and industry people, which helps you excel in your career. She also emphasized that making an informed decision is very important. She discussed about available options of funding after getting admission including the part time work options.
Deepshikha shared that not too many fellowships are available for pursuing your studies in Canada. So, one need be careful while filing the applications. She said we need to shortlist places which are amenable to a relatively comfortable life as it is very cold to live in Canada. She discussed about preparing for IELTS and emphasized that coaching usually helps. One may also need to hire a consultant to know about the fee structure and one must also purchase GIC which is guaranteed investment certificate which really helps you once you land in Canada. She emphasized on engaging oneself in research programs for the students while doing your graduation also. She detailed about the Pharmacy examining board of Canada and pointed out the most important things about the schools of Pharmacy and examination patterns in Canada.
As several students seek opportunities to move abroad for higher education, so this lecture was organized under the MHRD Institution’s Innovation Council and Placement Cell of UIPS. It was indeed a very interactive session with many queries of the students being resolved. This would surely help the students to decide for their career at an early stage so that effective planning can be done and executed accordingly.
Professor Indu Pal Kaur, Chairperson UIPS & President IIC and Head Placement cell informed that more than 130 participants from Panjab University and other National Institutes along with faculty members of UIPS attended the webinar.
Few specific questions put forth by the B Pharm Students included:
Priyansha Singh asked “Is it worth studying abroad, when I have everything in my city like the best of the universities and good job opportunities.” Yashdeep Mukheja asked “Do you think it's worth it to study abroad? And is it that we return with better skills?
Answer: It is worth studying in India no doubt about that. However, training from abroad opens new vistas, helps you better unfold your personality as you are exposed to a foreign environ and definitely broadens your horizons. It will further sharpen your technical skills that will give you an edge in your future career whether in India or abroad.
Ananya Singh asked “Which specific field of Pharmacy is more renowned overseas? (Both in Canada as well as US)”
Answer: All fields of Pharmacy are more or less equally renowned overseas. However, it is individual zeal and understanding of subject that matters and creates difference in one’s life not the specific field that one has chosen.
Garima Khanna put her question “Is it possible to know beforehand if a Principal Investigator (PI)/Researcher/Supervisor will allow a TA? Could you name some good Universities to the geographical area?
Answer: No, PI won’t give you TA beforehand. Once you land there, and after face to face interaction with you, PI usually give TA depending upon availability of funds. However, one can politely ask about TA before going to that University.
Garima Khanna asked What would be the impact of COVID on all the steps that you mentioned? Tanya Gupta asked is it a good option to continue in India with respect to the current Covid situation.
Answer: In current COVID conditions, there is a massive slow down. However, it will recover very soon especially in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences and biotechnology, by the time you graduate. Further it is good to take one step at a time.
Gauri Goyal asked “Are professors there as welcoming to foreign students as they are to local students?”
Answer: Yes. Don’t worry about that. UIPS has very good reputation abroad and majority of faculties from leading institutions in USA as well as Canada are aware of Pharmacy Professionals from Panjab University.
Abhishek Dhirta asked “What were you doing in your 3rd or 4th sem of yours B Pharm other then academia. Divya Bajaj asked “Are other things needed other than academics? Aashish and Guramrit Kaur asked about potential internships during B. Pharm.
Answer: Yes, we need to involve other extracurricular activities as well. During B. Pharm, we involved in various academic activities like volunteering in the DST Inspire Internship Camps organised by UIPS that sharpen our organisational skills. We were also associated with ROTRACT where we were associated with community service. In addition, we also took training in Pharmacovigilance from PGIMER that helped us to understand side effect profile of medicines and unmet medical needs. However, in new Pharmacy Curriculum there is a project work in 7th semester where students will get flavour of research internship with faculty.
Aashish asked “Do we require coaching for GRE or preparation can be done at home?”
Answer: Yes one need to go in for coaching. However, group studies are the key to success.
Aastha Bhardwaj asked “America considers a 5 year degree if one wants to get registered as a pharmacist. Is this a problem as we have a 4 year degree here in PU?”
Answer: It is not a 5- or a 4- year program that is considered. What they match is the credits and it is possible that you complete your credits of their 5 year program in 4 years of your B Pharm program. Otherwise they may ask you to complete certain credits.
Divya Bajaj asked “What are the chances of acceptance only with normal academics?
Answer: It may be difficult, but if you are able to justify why you did not fare well in a particular subject or semester then you could get through. Or you may make your application interesting by adding other skills you have that may compensate for not so promising academics. But you need to work special on your statement of purpose in that case.