UIPS Professor Indu Pal Kaur granted five patents in 2020-21
Prof. Indu Pal Kaur was named among the top 2% most cited world scientists in Pharmacy and Pharmacology category across the globe as per Stanford University, USA

Chandigarh: The Chairperson, UIPS & Professor of Pharmaceutics, Professor Indu Pal Kaur, has been granted five (05) patents and has five (05) filed/published in the single academic year 2020-21. With this coveted achievement, she is topmost rank holder Professor in the Panjab University having the highest number of patent applications.
In total, currently, she has to her credit, 9 Indian and 1 US granted patents (10) and has filed 20 patents. Emphasis of her work lies on Industrial and clinical translation and is reflected through her four technologies transfers to three Indian industries.
Such addition to the Intellectual Property and Licensing Portfolio, adds prestige both to UIPS and to Panjab University, credibility to the research conceptualization and also fetches high scores for the University under various ranking systems. UIPS, a premier Institute known for its quality education and research both at National and International level, is NIRF rank 2 Institute amongst pharmacy institutions across the country, declared by MHRD, Govt. of India.
Prof. Indu Pal Kaur was named among the top 2% most cited world scientists in Pharmacy and Pharmacology category across the globe as per Stanford University, USA based on her career long citation impact. She is the former Director of the SAIF/CIL/UCIM facility at PU.
Her research forte lies in enhancing bioperformance of drugs, plant extracts/phytochemicals and small/large biomolecules viz. siRNA and probiotics using active-tailored nanodelivery systems. The prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship award to Prof. Indu Pal Kaur is the true appreciation of her persistent efforts and sustained enthusiasm for the betterment of Pharmaceutical Sciences in particular and Science in general. Her research work was funded twice (2017 and 2020) by DST and Science and Technology Facilities Council, ISIS, UK for SANS characterization at ISIS facility – Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. She has also been graced with BRIC Technology Exposition Award consecutively for 2 years i.e. 2019 and 2020.
Patents Granted in 2020-21
1. Indu Pal Kaur, Manoj Kumar Verma. Solid nanolipidic particulates of vitamin D3 and retinoic acid (RA). (355216, granted on 04/01/2021)
2. Geoffrey Gnana Jeba Jesudian, Chockalingam Vijaya, Indu Pal Kaur. Topical tazarotene solid lipid nanoparticles’. (354336, granted on 23/12/2020).
3. Indu Pal Kaur,Monika Yadav. An ocular formulation & a method for its preparation (351437 granted on 11/11/2020).
4. Indu Pal Kaur, Rohit Bhandari, Mandeep Singh, Shilpa Kakkar, Richi Taneja. ‘In situ forming lipidic nanoparticles’ (349184; granted on 14/10/2020)
5. Indu Pal Kaur, Shilpa Kakkar, Monika Yadav, Keshav Jindal, Ikksheta Sharma. Autoclavable nanovesicular composition. (341360; granted on 13/07/2020)