Urgently update civil hospital Ludhiana
To provide all facilities to deal with Covid 19 patients: CPI

Ludhiana: The Communist Party of India (CPI) district Ludhiana unit have demanded that the Civil Hospital should be updated immediately with facilities to care for the Covid 19 patients. Till date all samples taken for testing of the suspicious patients are sent to Patiala. Facilities should be made to do and report such tests here itself. Ludhiana is a big city and geographical center of the state. It is easy for the patients to reach here. The staff in the hospital including doctors, nurses and other paramedical staff and safai karamcharis should be provided with protective equipment. Moreover oxygen supply and suction should be provided on all beds. Separate Covid 19 care wards with all these facilities to meet the demand in case of surge should be prepared. This statement has been issued by Comrade DP Maur (secretary), Dr Arun Mitra, Chamkaur Singh, Ramesh Ratan and SS Bhatia.
Ludhiana: Dr G S Grewal, former President and Dr Arun Mitra former Chairman Ethical Committee Punjab Medical Council have said that fixing of MRP surgical mask at Rs. 16/- as per the government’s circular is quite high. Before the Covid 19 it was being sold at less than Rs. 5/-. Now it is much more in demand so its price should have been reduced to facilitate the people to use it as per the need in present crisis situation.