Value added programs for holistic development of KMV Students
KMV committed to provide progressive quality education under autonomy

Jalandhar: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi adumbrated that being the first autonomous women college of Punjab, KMV has made diligent and visionary endeavors to upgrade syllabus of all courses with 21st century skills. Along with various new programs value-added programs are introduced with each semester. The grades of these courses are also included in Detail Mark Cards. It is worth a mention here that these programs are being offered free of cost to the students for each semester. These programs are compulsory for all the students. The value-based programs being introduced in various semesters are:
• Semester I-Foundation Program
• Semester II-Moral Education
• Semester III-Gender Sensitization or Personality Development
• Semester IV-Social Outreach
All these programs are specially designed with the holistic development and growth of students in mind. These value-added programs prepare the students for life and workplace. Foundation Program introduced in the Sem. I aims to bridge the gap between high school and higher education. This most valuable course, designed especially for the new entrants aims at strengthening their intellectual foundation by providing them a wide view of world issues, human intellectual history, making of modern India and other important areas of knowledge so that they can carry forward the rich legacy of humanity as responsible citizens. Moral Education Program introduced in the Sem. II is intended to be the primary step to fulfill a long-felt need and provide the missing link in the present education curricula. The course aims at bringing about a perceptional transformation among the students, by initiating a process of self-exploration and motivating them to tread the righteous path. Value-based living & ethical human conduct is inculcated through this course. Gender Sensitization introduced in Sem. III is the need of the hour as the need for this sensitivity has been felt and realised through times immemorial and in almost all kinds of human existence, across the globe. Recent discourses focus upon the need to sensitise gender issues on campus as many believe that education is the catalyst for change. Instilling positive thoughts on gender issues will enable and enhance the future population from practising gender discrimination. Another option of Personality Development Program in Sem. III strives at the holistic development of our students and empower them to become leaders by facilitating opportunities for purposeful learning. Social Outreach Program introduced in Sem. IV sensitize the students to alleviate the sufferings of fellow human beings and display compassion and empathy. All these innovative & first of its kind Value-added Programs at KMV are instrumental in evolving the students as an excellent global citizens.