VC PAU launches unique portrait by High Court Lawyer Harpreet Sandhu depicting importance of mask on world photography day
Harpreet Sandhu stated that a photograph is worth a thousand words
Ludhiana: To mark the significance of World Photography Day the Vice Chancellor PAU, Ludhiana Padma Shri Dr. B.S Dhillon, launched a special Portrait depicting the importance of Mask, prepared by eminent Punjab based Lawyer and Nature photographer Harpreet Sandhu, today at Thapar Hall, PAU, Ludhiana.
Vice Chancellor Dr. Dhillon, while launching the Portrait stated that, he is of the opinion that Photography is the only language that can be understood by everyone and can convey a message more effectively than words and profusely compliment the innovative work of Harpreet Sandhu for conceiving and doing such an significant work in form of a portrait on Mask, and sharing on the World Photography Day, which will definitely spread safety norms within Faculty, Students and general public and significantly help the commons, the value of wearing masks to fight Covid.
Harpreet Sandhu stated that a photograph is worth a thousand words and his portrait on the eve of World Photography Day being acclaimed as an striking message pertaining towards importance of wearing mask, particularly on this eminent day of photographers, across the globe, will enable them to share this respective innovative photograph having the clear message of mask and will this way encourage others to pursue photography on such concepts and thus contributing towards society.