Veterinary hospital and dispensary to open in Kangra district: DC
Its time has been fixed from 9:30 AM to 4 PM

Dharamshala: Deputy Commissioner of Kangra, Mr. Rakesh Prajapati said that now the Animal Husbandry Department Hospital and Veterinary Dispensary will also be opened in Kangra district from April 13, its time has been fixed from 9:30 AM to 4 PM. Artificial insemination, orders have been given to officers of the Animal Husbandry Department to check the animals at the door. Veterinarians should contact the nearest veterinary dispensary about the disease of their animals, from where the doctor or the veterinary pharmacist will facilitate the treatment by reaching the home of the vets. This veterinary hospital and dispensary will remain open on all other working days except the holiday days.
Deputy Commissioner Rakesh Prajapati said that every possible effort is being made to stop the spread of corona infection and guidelines are also being given to the common citizens regularly. He said that it is necessary to ensure compliance of these instructions and special care should be taken for social distance and ensure your contribution in securing family and society by staying in homes. Three wards of Nagar Nigam Dharamshala i.e. Forsethganj, Bhagsunag and McLeodganj have been sealed. These areas will no longer be relaxed for curfew. Apart from this, people will not be allowed to move out of their homes by deploying additional police force.
The District Administration of Una in Himachal is not in a mood to grant any relaxation in the hot spots of the district at present as one more case was found positive today during examination at Tanda Medical College. Three samples were tested negative while four samples would be re-examined. There will not be any relaxation in curfew in the areas of Kamali village and Kuthera Khurd, Sidh Chalehar, Ladoli and Kutherhar Khurd gram panchayats till further orders.
This was stated by Deputy Commissioner of Una, Mr Sandeep Kumar on Saturday. To facilitate the people of the area essential items would be home delivered so that they do not come out for procuring daily need items. Plying of vehicles would remain completely banned in these areas. Active case finding campaign was being launched in the Corona virus hot spot areas and the people suffering from fever and cough would be examined medically.
Sandeep Kumar told that the harvesting season was about to begin and the farming community would be facilitated as per the directions of the State Govt. Farmers could work in their field and if the laborers were needed, their passes could be procured. But the farming community and the officers concerned would have to ensure social distancing. Shops of farming tools and repair had been relaxed during the curfew in other parts of the district except hot spots.
Chamba district, Deputy Commissioner Vivek Bhatia said that all the possible steps were being taken in the district to contain the threat of Corona Virus and there was no plan to relax curfew in the 28 Hot Spots in the district.
He advised the people to cooperate with the administration so that the crisis soon got over and all could relax. He asked them to stay safe by staying at home.