Vice President of India interacts through video conferencing
He asked VCs to share strategies adopted by different Universities in light of ongoing pandemic

Vice President of India , Shri Vankiah Naidu interacted with the
Vice-Chancellors of five Universities through Video-Conferencing
Secretary DoPT and Director IIPA, VCs of Panjab University Chandigarh,
Pondicherry University, Makhanlal Chaturvedi University Bhopal, Delhi
University, Hyderabad University were present.
At the outset, Mr Subha Rao, Secretary to Vice President of India,
while initiating discussion invited Vice President of India for his
inaugural remarks. VP of India welcomed the VCs and explained the
ongoing crisis and what the Universities should do in respect of
teaching, research and student-related activities. He asked the Vice
Chancellors present in the video conference to share the strategies
adopted by different Universities in the light of ongoing pandemic
Corono Virus.
Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, Prof Raj Kumar mentioned about
the action taken by the University to minimise disruption in the
teaching, examination & research activities. He informed that our
faculty is actively engaged in online teaching using various
technologies like Zoom Cloud, Skype, Google classrooms etc. He also
highlighted that PU has submitted research proposal against the
SARS-CoV-2 Corona virus in collaboration with Professor Nikolai
Petrovsky, South Australian Researcher, which was appreciated by Mr
Vice-President . Prof Raj Kumar also mentioned about the constitution
of Advisory and Task force for effectively handling challenges
confronted by the University in the present-day crisis and also
assured that University is ready to conduct examination after the
lockdown and strategies have been prepared to declare result at the
Vice President of India appreciated the efforts of academic leaders
and stressed upon the need to encourage students to learn from the
crisis and use the available time with parents and grandparents, do
physical exercises, learn more than one language and love nature and
Indian culture for better future.