Vigilance Awareness Week activities at PU
As part of Vigilance Awareness Week activities, various departments of Panjab University (PU) organized different events to raise awareness about the importance of vigilance and ethical practices in governance.

Chandigarh, October 29, 2024: As part of Vigilance Awareness Week activities, various departments of Panjab University (PU) organized different events to raise awareness about the importance of vigilance and ethical practices in governance.
The Department of Geography, Panjab University, Chandigarh today organized a Walkathon, which commenced from the Geography Department, with enthusiastic participation from students, research scholars, faculty members, and the Chairperson of the department. Participants carried banners and placards with slogans advocating for transparency and accountability, symbolising their commitment to a corruption-free society. Throughout the campus, the group made stops at prominent locations, sharing messages on the role of vigilance in building a just and responsible society. The event successfully highlighted the responsibility each individual holds in promoting integrity. Concluding with words of encouragement from the Chairperson Prof. Navneet Kaur, the Walkathon reinforced the commitment of the Geography Department to uphold and spread awareness of ethical values.
As part of the Vigilance Awareness Week celebrations, the Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) organised expert lecture, declamation contest, and poster-making competition today. The students displayed their enthusiasm and creativity through active participation in competitions such as declamation and poster-making. The keynote speaker, Dr. Bhawana Gupta from the Department of Public Administration, PU spoke on the significance of work ethics, stressing values like honesty, integrity, confidentiality, commitment, and adaptability. PU Chief Vigilance Officer Prof. Geeta Bansal and Director CDOE, Prof. Harsh Gandhar encouraged staff members to embrace values of discipline, punctuality, and accountability.
The Centre for Social Work marked Vigilance Awareness Week with taking pledge and signature campaign today at the Student Centre.