Webinar on ‘Biodiversity: The Foundation for Sustainable Development’
Department of Zoology and Botany, Lyallpur Khalsa College, organised the event

Jalandhar: A webinar on ‘Biodiversity: The Foundation for Sustainable Development’ was organized by Department of Zoology and Botany, Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar on the occasion of International Biodiversity Day under the theme, 'We're part of the solution #For Nature’.
Dr. Gurpinder Singh Samra, Principal, Lyallpur Khalsa College was the chief guest. In his address Dr. Samra remarked that thought here was a growing recognition that biological diversity is a global asset of tremendous value to future generations still a large number of species are endangered to the verge extinction through indiscriminate human activities. He emphasized that we should bring awareness in the society for inclusive growth where the Biodiversity is not only preserved but nurtured and enriched through conservation for making earth a better planet. He also appreciated the efforts of the department and motivated them to organize such programmes in future also.
Dr. Swarndeep Singh Hundal an eminent zoologist and former Head, Department of Zoology, PAU, Ludhiana was the resource person on the occasion. He initiated the webinar by paying tribute to the renowned environmentalist, Mr. Sundar Lal Bahuguna. Dr. Hundal high lighted that Biodiversity, Sustainability and Ecological balance are interdependent. Sustainable development should be holistic and take into account social welfare, economic development while maintaining environmental balance. He informed that the ecosystem was based upon a web of interrelations between the innumerable number of species and threat to one species could disturb this balance. He highlighted various endangered species, including Tiger, Koala, Lynx etc. and quoted a report which cautioned about the possibility of disappearance of all insects by next 100 years. He drew attention to the importance of trees and forests and informed that the situation in India is grim, where only 28 trees per person are available as compared to countries like Canada where the availability is 10,000 trees per person. He remarked that 75% of native crop varieties have vanished and are being replaced by a handful of hybrids and genetically modified varieties. He concluded by emphasizing that we as conscientious citizens should strive towards building a sustainable society through maintaining and enriching the existing biodiversity.
The webinar was organized under the advisory of Dr. Jaswinder Kaur (Head, Department of Zoology & Botany) and Dr. Gagandeep Kaur. Dr. Upma Arora and Prof. Surbjit Singh conducted the webinar. Dr. Heminder Singh proposed the vote of thanks and the webinar were attended by Prof. Arunjit Kaur, Dr. Manohar Singh, Dr. Arun Dev Sharma, Dr. Jaswinder Kaur, Dr. Geetanjli Kaushal, other faculty members and students of the college.