Webinar on increasing emotional intelligence
The webinar aimed to explain emotional intelligence and techniques to increase it

Chandigarh: Panjab University Alumni Association in collaboration with Interdisciplinary Center for Swami Vivekananda Studies, Panjab University Chandigarh organized a Webinar on 'Increasing Emotional Intelligence' by Dr. Jacksan Judan Fernandes.
Dr. Fernandes is a practicing Counseling Psychologist, presently based in Kuwait. He is the author of the very successful book "100 Dynamic Principles". His interests are in the area of Psychology of Religion, Counseling Psychology, Color Therapy, Humor Therapy and Yoga. He also teaches Yoga in different organisations.
The webinar started with Prof. Renu Thakur, Director ICSVS introducing and welcoming Dr. Jacksan.
The webinar aimed to explain Emotional Intelligence and techniques to increase it. Dr. Jacksan gave examples of different situations and how a person with increased emotional intelligence would handle it. He emphasized that it is not enough to recognize and understand an emotion, one should know how to express his emotions and then reflect on it to be self aware. One should never ignore negative emotions. Dr. Jacksan gave techniques to achieve emotional intelligence and tips to snap out of negative emotions.
The webinar was attended by around 70 people from different walks of life and towards the end attendees asked questions regarding issues and situations they face that require a good emotional intelligence. Dr. Jacksan answered their questions.
The webinar ended with a vote of thanks from Prof. Renu Thakur and a representative of PUAA. A lot of positive feedback and congratulatory messages for the presenter and the organizers poured in on the webinar chat.