Webinar on role of Akashvani in preserving music
The resource person of the day was Santosh Rishi, Director, All India Radio

Jalandhar: The P.G. Department of MA Music Instrumental organised a Webinar on the role of Akashvani in preserving Music. The resource person of the day was Mrs. Santosh Rishi, Director, All India Radio.
Principal Dr. Neerja Dhingra warmly welcomed her and put forth that it is a privilege for students that they can interact and learn from such a person who is an expert in the field and has been extending her services at All India Radio and thus have the practical knowledge and is aware about all the challenges which come along on this path.
Mrs Santosh Rishi addressing the gathering put forth that Music and Radio are like two sides of the coin and both of them share an inevitable relationship. Due to Music, Radio gained popularity and vice versa. She shared that All India Radio has played a vital role in bringing music before the world even of those artists who did not sing openly before the world. Talking of the ethics followed by All India Radio, she shared with the students that all the recordings done there are preserved with care. She also shared the career opportunities in this field with the students.
Principal Dr. Neerja Dhingra appreciated Dr. Anupam Sood, Head of Department, Music Instrumental, Dr. Seema Sharma, Mr. Smarajit Kumar Sen for successfully organising the event and she also appreciated Mr. Varinder Saggu and Mr. Ankit Goel from Department of Multimedia for their technical support.