Webinars on by Dr SSBUICET, Panjab University
The webinar was held on the topic “Bone Health and Covid -19”

Chandigarh: Dr. S.S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh organized a national webinar on the topic “Bone Health and Covid -19” on 26th May, 2020 followed by another Webinar on “Talent Practices in The Post Digital Age” on 27th May 2020.
The webinar on the topic “Bone Health and Covid -19” started with welcoming address by Dr. Gargi Ghoshal, Associate Professor and coordinator of the Webinar. Prof. V.R. Sinha, Dean Research, Panjab University was the Chief guest of the webinar. The key speaker Prof Sanjay Kumar Bhadada, MD, DM (Endocrinology and Metabolism)), Professor of Endocrinology Department, PGIMER, Chandigarh enlightened the audience on the by highlighting the importance of vitamin D in boosting immunity in general and specially in present Covid 19 pandemic. Dr Bhadada dwelled on sources of Vitamin D which is abundantly present in fish but hardly any in Vegetarian diets except mushrooms; Although Vitamin D supplements available in the markets but the best source is daily exposure of skin to direct sunlight for 15 minutes every day or exposure to the sun for 2 hours per week .
Dr Bhadada also recommended daily intake of 500-1000mg of calcium every day for strong bones, the richest source being milk and curd. In case a person’s intake of milk is inadequate that calcium supplements should be taken. Dr Bhadada than discussed about weak bone (osteoporosis) its implication and preventive measures.
Prof. Sanchita Chauhan, Chairperson Dr. S.S.BUICET, Panjab University, Chandigarh concluded the webinar by thanking the speaker on such an illustrious talk which was much appreciated by faculty members from different department of Panjab University as well as faculty from other state like Panjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Tripura who participated the webinar.
The webinar on 27th May 2020 on “Talent Practices in The Post Digital Age”, highlighted the importance of Humans in this technologically advanced century, the webinar was conducted to acquaint it’s participants with the diversified talents the recruiters across the globe are looking for, conveyed Prof. Sanchita Chauhan, Chairperson, Dr. SSBUICET.
The webinar had Mr. Parag Pande, Managing Director, Global Lead for Human Resources Service Delivery, Accenture as the speaker. At the outset, Mr. Pande briefed everyone about the company, Accenture. He then threw light on the realities of the post digital era with Artificial intelligence being an alpha trend, Digital businesses and high velocity change. He cited the three lenses of future workforces and how the demands of recruiters and companies around the world have changed. He also discussed with the students the skills they need, so as to become a holistically developed person with a successful career. At the end, motivating all the participants, he pointed out how people will always remain greater than the process, thus making them a more important asset than technology. This was followed by a moderated question and answer session in which the participants eagerly took part in. The event concluded with many taking back knowledge of the skills and talents they need to imbibe in themselves in the post digital age.
The organizers included Prof. Meenakshi Goyal, Prof. Anupama Thakur & Prof. Seema Kapoor. Ms. Jagmehak and Mr. Om Chaturvedi, students of Dr. SSBUICET wholeheartedly worked for the smooth conduct of the webinar.