Website launched for ICAMSE2020
Launch event held at PU

Chandigarh: University Institute of Engg & Technology, Panjab University Chandigarh launched the website for the International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering to be held on 29th – 30th May 2020 in collaboration with Government College of Engineering and Technology, Jammu under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program-III of the World Bank.
All accepted papers of the conference will be published in Elsevier’s Scopus indexed journal: Materials Today: Proceedings. Delegates from all across the world are expected to attend the conference.
Conference coordinator and PU Fellow, Dr. Parveen Goyal informed that more than 200 papers are expected to be presented during the conference which will help in bringing together professional engineers, academicians and researchers of matching interests on a common platform to share new ideas, experiences, and knowledge in various fields of Materials Science and Engineering.
Official website of the conference and brochure of the conference were also launched by Prof. J. K. Goswamy, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University. Last date for submission of the papers is 15th March 2020.