Women have learnt how to break away from rigid norms of patriarchy
Says Kamna Pathak aka Rajesh Singh in & TV's Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

This International Women's Day, Rajesh Singh aka Kamna Pathak from &TV's Happu Ki Ultan Paltan talks about what it takes to be a woman, some of the women she admires and about portraying a strong woman character. Here are excerpts from a candid conversation with her:
• What does International Women's Day theme on 'Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world' mean to you?
• During the unfortunate pandemic, the whole world stood still, and everyone was restricted from moving out. But it was women who stood strong and worked tirelessly towards getting the world together. The pandemic also saw a surge where many women kickstarted new ventures and turned entrepreneurs in their own right. We had mothers who turned dancers, sisters who became bakers and all in all, women who became empowered. I believe that an equal future is an idea of a utopian world, and women are not far from reaching there.
• Who is the most inspiring person (in a leadership position and the entertainment industry) to you and why?
• Shabana Azmi Ji has always been my inspiration. Apart from being an actor par excellence and a passionate philanthropist, she defines strength, power, passion and elegance. I have grown up watching her movies, and every performance of hers has left me in awe. Her presence alone is ethereal, and she has conquered some of the most significant challenges in life with grace and dignity. Her work speaks for itself, and I truly admire her calibre. I have learnt a lot from her and actor and aspire to be like her one day.
• For the past year, we have been battling the pandemic situation in the country. How have you managed to keep up with your work at a time when recession and economic slowdown hit the world?
• Battling the pandemic was not easy for any one of us. Everyone, including me, lived in constant fear and focused on obeying the government's do's and don'ts. The economic slowdown was another setback that had to be tackled, but fortunately, I did not have to face it to a great extent. Of course, my work did get affected due to delayed shoots and lockdown, but, it slowly started picking up once I resumed shoot. Those affected by the atrocities of COVID-19 were fighters, and we must count our blessings for being in good health and surrounded by our loved ones.
• What do you think is the biggest issue today facing women of your age, especially the working women having to find a work-life balance?
• Irrespective of age, health is one issue that women are ignoring. Instinctively, we take care of everyone around us but in the bargain, neglect our health. It is vital to take care of oneself as if your health begins to deteriorate, everything else follows. Much like the domino effect, our work, relationships and focus begin to suffer. Maintaining a work-life balance is a priority for everyone but especially women. In today's time, women have learnt how to break away from the rigid norms of patriarchy, but it is intuitive of a woman to have a nurturing demeanour. Women are at the forefront of their profession and are also running their households. Yoga is one way that suits me best to counter both these issues, and it has helped me feel healthy and motivated at all times.
• Your character has struck a chord with the viewers. What according to you, is the USP of this role/character?
• Rajesh Singh is a relatable character. She lives in a joint family set up in Kanpur. Rajesh is strong-headed and knows how to manoeuvre her way out with her husband, Daroga Happu Singh. She is a bindass, outspoken woman who tries her best to manipulate situations around her husband to get things done. She comes across as an adamant wife, but at the same time, she is very warm and welcoming if approached in the right manner.
• What does it mean to be a woman, according to you?
• To me, a woman is soft-hearted and spoken by nature, but it is also essential to be powerful and assertive. She is compassionate and vulnerable towards her loved ones but will fight for what is right when provoked. A woman is anything she wishes to be, and she should give no one the right to tell them otherwise.
• One message for all the young girls and women you would like to give?
• My message to all the young girls and women out there is - prioritize yourself, be yourself and never give up. Take the time to be work on yourself, pick-up a hobby that drives your passion and takes the plunge. Set your goals, focus on achieving them with a go-getter attitude because anything is possible when you put your mind to it!