Workshop on “Mental Health and Wellbeing”
24 NCC cadets and Research scholars of Centre for Human Rights and Duties and Centre for Police Administration participated in the session
Chandigarh: The Centre for Human Rights and Duties in collaboration with National Cadet Corps of Panjab University, Chandigarh organized a one day workshop for NCC Cadets on the topic of “Mental Health and Well Being” at University Institute of Emerging Areas in Social Sciences, (UIEASS)Panjab University, Chandigarh on 11 August, 2021.
Dr. Namita Gupta, Chairperson, Centre for Human Rights and Duties introduced the resource person. She stated that everyone has faced one or other kind of mental health problems in the Corona pandemic. People have faced difficulties in coping with mental health problems. Therefore it is the need of the hour to inform people what they should do in such situations and how they can maintain their well being.
Dr. Jayanti Dutta, Deputy Director, UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Panjab University in her presentation explained that mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. To become healthy, every person needs to think clearly and originally, feel active and behave properly in society. She also defined the concept of success. Success is basically having self-satisfaction and to achieve one’s Goals. She stated that parameters of success differ with individuals and it changes with times as persons keep evolving. Everyone needs to think before sleeping whether what they are doing is good for them or not.
She further added that human Beings should live a slow, simple and uncomplicated life. Nowadays, people don’t think actively. They only do what society teaches them. Hence, there is a need to think actively, originally and positively and to understand what is right or wrong. She also said that our body and mind is our life partner so we have to take care of our body and health, and should exercise daily. We should not adopt bad habits, and don’t abuse our body through consuming substance abuse.
We should be aware of our abilities, weaknesses and emotions. We should have a balanced life so that we cannot regret our decisions later. Everyone should work on their skills, attitude and competency besides having a professionalized degree. Everyone needs to learn how to speak up or express their thoughts, ideas and emotions on public platforms.
Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Coordinator NCC, PU stated that more such programmes will be organized in the future.
Dr. Monika Munjal, Incharge of NCC Girls Wing, PU gave vote of thanks.
24 NCC cadets and Research scholars of Centre for Human Rights and Duties and Centre for Police Administration participated in the session.