World class infrastructure for new age programmes at KMV
Fully equipped state-of-the-art labs set up at the college

Jalandhar: To provide world class infrastructure high tech and state-of-the-art labs are functioning at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya. Throwing more light on it, Principal Prof.(Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that with the introduction of New Age Programs the infrastructure at KMV has been enhanced. A new block has been constructed which also houses many newly constructed labs.These innovative labs provide the most conducive environment to the students for research & innovation in their respective fields. These labs also provide hands on training to the students in order to enhance the skills to compete in the industrial world. It is only due to the availability of world class labs that KMVites have been able to achieve 14 Intellectual Property Rights in different fields. KMV has various programs that provide hands on training to the students namely B.Sc. IT, M.Sc. in Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Fashion Designing & Merchandising & Masters in Journalism & Mass Communication. Moreover, KMV is also running various skill development programs such as B.Voc. in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Hospitality & Tourism, Textile Design & Apparel Technology, Animation, Beauty & Wellness, Retail Management & Management & Secretarial Practices.Ample and wholesome exposure is provided to the pursuants of these courses through internships and industry tie ups. It is worth a mention here that KMV has also recently introduced interdisciplinary BAVocational Studies programs namely BA Vocational Studies in Visual Communication and Retail Management. Moreover, two diplomas namely Child Care (Nanny) and Old Age Care with internationally accepted sector skill certification have been introduced for the first time in the region. PG Department of Physics include Spectroscopic lab, Computational lab, Electronics lab, General Physics lab, Condensed Matter lab, Nuclear lab to provide a cutting edge to the students who by dint of their practical exposure have made entry to variety of top notch careers. Advanced characterization labs with infrastructure worth 1 Crore has also been established. Innovation Hub to unleash the creative & innovative aptitude of the students has also been started. PG Department of Computer Science & IT has 10 labs. KMV Fibre Forensic Lab- the first of its kind in the region has high end forensic servers & work stations. Animation lab is fully equipped with latest infrastructure having Cintiq tablets. It also has high end i7 computer systems. The Management & Secretarial Practices lab is also equally equipped and provides students practical training. Digital Language labs at KMV having 30 terminals each is used for Spoken English, IELTS & other courses. Life Sciences has 3 Zoology labs, 2 Botany labs, 3 Biotechnology labs & 1 Bioinformatics lab which provide umpteen facilities to the students. Computational Sanskrit lab is also very handy for the students. PG Department of Commerce & Business Administration has Accounting lab which provides practical training of Tally to the students of B.Com. & Hands on Training of Research Methodology to the students of M.Voc. We also have a Retail lab for imparting practical training regarding store operations, visual merchandising, retail selling skills, e-retailing, IT solutions in retail. Professional Audio Studio is available for KMV Radio VOW & other audio & voice recording projects of students. Fully equipped video studio gives practical exposure to the students in TV Anchoring, News Reading, Photography etc. PG Department of Fashion Designing has many labs such as Fashion Workshop Lab, Draping Lab, CAD Lab, Textile Workshop Lab, Pattern Development lab, Illustration lab & Garment Construction lab etc. Department of Home Sciences is also equipped with high tech Foods lab, Clothing & Textiles lab & Human Development lab etc. Department of Hospitality & Tourism also has well equipped labs with advanced equipments.
Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi concluded by maintaining that having been bestowed the Star College Status by DBT, Government of India and being a FIST grant supported heritage institution, KMV has been successful in providing world class facilities and opportunities to the students. Hands on training is the mantra for skill development leading to success and excellence of the students here at KMV.