World Physiotherapy Day: Importance of being physically active

Ludhiana, September 8, 2021: 8th September is observed as ‘World Physiotherapy Day’. Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy at DMCH provides a comprehensive range of Physiotherapy services and is well equipped with all modern facilities including unweighing system, laser therapy ,cryo unit and combination therapy., says Dr Avkash Teotia (Incharge, Physiotherapy Deptt. DMCH).
According to Dr Alka Kaul, Chief Physiotherapist, role of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation has increased manifold in present times due to long sedentary hours and bad postural style. Besides middle aged and old patients, there are many young patients and even adolescents who come for physiotherapy treatment due to pain related issues. It is also seen that many youngsters, who start going to gymnasium, also suffer gym injury when they overdo exercise over there. DMCH Cancer Care Centre has a specialized Physiotherapy Department, which has all the required machines needed for physiotherapy and rehabilitation of cancer affected patients or recovering from disease .
Dr Shweta Mahajan says Physical therapy deals with patients of various age groups. It also aims at correction of posture and movement disorders to improve the physique and quality of life. Physiotherapists who work in primary healthcare facilities will likely play a part in the management of patients admitted to hospital with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.
Physical health forms a major part of our life. Being physically active, maintaining nutritional balance, good rest and sound sleep are a few components of physical health. Giving importance to physical health will reap benefits at all ages of your life. Good physical health can contribute to leading a successful life. Physical activity or exercise will reduce risks of long term diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiac and respiratory diseases. It will have long term health benefits too. Inactivity is on a rise due to sedentary lifestyle, technological advances in gadgets, etc.
Physiotherapists work in the wards, looking after patients admitted in the hospital, as well as run outpatient clinics. The department has pioneered a number of significant physiotherapy services such as intensive respiratory care, pulmonary rehabilitation, ergonomics consultation, lymphedema therapy, Orthopaedic conditions and musculoskeletal injuries, and provides the most comprehensive burns and wound care ma Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future.