Yoga Day celebrated at PU through Cisco Webex
Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family

Chandigarh: Panjab University, Chandigarh organized Yoga Day today through Cisco Webex on the theme of the International Yoga Day 2020 – "Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family" to observe social distancing measures adopted due to Covid 19 pandemic.
Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, PU along with his wife Ms Kusum Singh practised Yoga at home. PU VC while inaugurating the same, said that practicing Yoga builds immunity and brings harmony between body and mind. He added that in the current scenario of Covid 19, Yoga is being adopted all over to ease out stress.
Earlier, the programme started with a welcome address by Prof. R.K. Singla, Dean University Instructions. Prof. Karamjeet Singh, Registrar, Prof. Parvinder Singh, Controller of Examinations,Prof Parminder Singh,Director Sports , Dr Neeru Malik,PU fellow, Dr Rakesh Malik, Prof S K Tomar ,DSW,Prof. Sukhbir Kaur, Dean Student Welfare(W) and around 90 faculty members attended.
Similarly, Department of Art, History and Visual Arts presented Yoga Sutra, celebrating Yoga day with Guru Raman Kumar.