
If exam paper leaks, Maharashtra to 'derecognise' school

If exam paper leaks, Maharashtra to 'derecognise' school

In a tough and unprecedented measure, the Maharashtra government has decided to...

Dips excellent result in GNDU Exam

Dips excellent result in GNDU Exam

In the B.Com first and fifth semester examination conducted by GNDU, the students...

Academic Visit to Haryana Vidhan Sabha/ Legislative Assembly 

Academic Visit to Haryana Vidhan Sabha/ Legislative Assembly 

Organized by DES - Multidisciplinary Research Centre, Panjab University

DDG stresses on building world-class agri institutions

DDG stresses on building world-class agri institutions

Lauds university efforts for improving UG education

World Consumer Rights Day marked at GCG

World Consumer Rights Day marked at GCG

Opening Ceremony of planning forum and consumer forum of Govt. College for Girls,...

KMV’s Reader’s Club organizes various literary competitions for students 

KMV’s Reader’s Club organizes various literary competitions...

The main motive of the event was to develop reading skills among students

LPU’s Performing Arts Students and Faculty launched mesmeric Music Video Albums

LPU’s Performing Arts Students and Faculty launched mesmeric...

More than one lakh viewers reached with many of applauding reviews within no time...

Amrita University’s AWESOME Conference calls for ‘systems thinking’ to advance women empowerment

Amrita University’s AWESOME Conference calls for ‘systems...

AWESOME (Advancing Women’s Empowerment through Systems Model Expansion) Framework...