Innocent Hearts School organized virtual flower arrangement...
The competition was evaluated based on creativity, presentation, and colour scheme
DIPS students exhibited their creativity in art and craft...
Teachers gave valuable information and tips on art and craft to students
5th Research Award Ceremony held Online by Dept. of Chemistry,...
Prof. K. N. Singh, Chairman, Chemistry, members of Jain family, faculty members,...
Tree plantation drive at Boys’ Hostel No. 3
Saplings of trees like Peepal, Bargad, Sheesham, Neem, Bel Pathar, Kathaletc.,were...
Cleanliness cum plantation drive at PU
Programme officers inspired the participants to maintain cleanliness in surroundings
KMVites develop innovative projects to facilitate society
Principal lauded the efforts of P.G. Department of Physics for organising this mentoring...
Three Indian student teams selected for Asia Pacific Junior...
Over 450 students participated in the Indian FedEx / Junior Achievement International...
Interview preparation and personality development course...
The Course has been split into 4 weeks Layout
Poster making competition by UIFT, PU
Top 3 positions have been bagged by Nitika Sharma, Kritika Wadhwa and Divya Sharma...