SAIF, PU imparts training to students of Himachal Pradesh
Over 150 participants attended the day one of the workshop
Students of Innocent Hearts School express their gratitude...
The students of College and School presented their poems and speeches through videos
`The Happiness design: Building conscious organizations...
The program is being attended by faculty members, corporate professionals, research...
LPU organized AICTE approved Short Term Course on Innovative...
Five Day innovative dissemination in virtual learning mode saw 100+ participants...
DAVIET ranks 66th in India Today nationwide engineering...
The achievement stands as the epitome of the commitment of the stakeholders of DAVIET...
Online session on Accessing Relevant E-Resources by HRDC,...
About 50 faculty members joined the session and interacted with the resource person
15th National Statistics Day by USOL, PU
200 participants from all over India have joined this webinar
PU faculty gets consultancy project of MC, Chandigarh
Now Panjab University will help MC for the Management of TT water
KMV organizes online 135th Amar Jyoti- A pious function...
1000 Students accorded traditional farewell