Dr Harjit Singh takes over as Head of Mathematics Department...
The occasion was witnessed by the presence of many
MBA students of PCTE make it to third round of Smart India...
Dr. KNS Kang, Director General, PCTE Group of Institutes congratulates the students
CT University marks 551 Guru Nanak by organising webinar...
CT Varsity conducts international webinar under the flagship of established Guru...
Sahir Ludhianvi was a revolutionary poet and a voice of...
Sahir was a champion of nationalism, secularism and socialism
7-day FDP on Self Reliant India concludes at PU
The program comprised of rigorous sessions on all the major aspects of self-reliance
Amity University announced organisation of 5-day FDP sponsored...
Professor Nitin Arora, Professor Shikha Kapoor, Dr Poornima Madan and Ms Tillotama...
College of Nursing, CMC & Hospital organises Baccalaureate...
This milestone event was graced by Dr. William Bhatti, Director, CMC & Hospital...
KMVites spread awareness about AIDS through meaningful...
During the event, students from all streams made posters, slogans and unique videos...
Innocent Hearts College of Education observed World Aids...
Due to corona pandemic, the programme was conducted through online mode