KMV’s Jeevan bags top position in MA Punjabi Semester II...
All these students have expressed heart felt gratitude for their principal, teachers...
4 students of DAVIET selected for 3AIP Services Private...
The students are from electronics and communication engineering branch
PCTE ranked 65th in Outlook's annual ranking of India’s...
The ranking was made keeping in view the significance of producing ready candidates
FDP on ‘Nanoscience and nanotechnology in perspective of...
There were participants from all across India in the online event
Day 6 of online outreach program by Home Science College
The target group for the talk was pregnant and lactating women from Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Outreach program on malnutrition in children by home science...
Principal encouraged everyone to follow healthy eating practices
CGC Landran’s student team MEC Innovators files 20 patents...
These patents relate to distinct ideas
KMVites clear national level competition titled NAEST
KMVites recognised among top 1000 students of nation