MBA Business Analytics Industry Immersive Program, probably...
Currently, there is a wide gap between industries and academia, there is a wide...
KMV’s softball team bags champion position in Inter-college...
Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) always excel in sports activities along with the...
Lyallpur Khalsa College organizes special lecture on “Literary...
Lyallpur Khalsa College Jalandhar continuously strives for the all-round development...
CT Group hosts Seminar on Voting Awareness and EVM Training
CT Group Hosts Seminar on Voting Awareness and EVM Training CT Group's Department...
RUSA sponsored Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Technologies...
In present technological era of computing, we are witnessing an AI innovation spirit...
Celebration of Poshan Pakhwada at Home Science College
The Department of Foods and Nutrition at Home Science College celebrated Poshan...
IKGPTU NSS & SVEEP wing organized Awareness Workshop on...
The National Service Scheme (NSS) wing of I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University...
IKGPTU Students taking core professional education in “Bytebattle...
The inaugural session of "Bytebattle" witnessed the presence of 250+ students at...
IKG PTU Two Academic Department Students Shines in various...
I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) students shine in various fields....
Bodhshala organises 'conscious leadership' retreat at Banasthali...
In a first, Bodhshala organised a two-day 'conscious leadership' retreat for holistic...