
124 samples sent for testing today

124 samples sent for testing today

53 persons put under home quarantine today, people should follow all directions...

12 trains to depart daily from Ludhiana to other states

12 trains to depart daily from Ludhiana to other states

Each train would now have capacity of 1600: deputy commissioner

Day to day activities coming back to normalcy in Ludhiana with each passing day

Day to day activities coming back to normalcy in Ludhiana...

Large number of factories have already opened, due to which lakhs of workers have...

To educate farmers about ill effects of burning of wheat straw, deputy commissioner releases four jingles

To educate farmers about ill effects of burning of wheat...

Jingles prepared jointly by punjab agricultural university (PAU) and punjab pollution...

Trade unions hold joint protest, demand ease of travel of workers to their native places

Trade unions hold joint protest, demand ease of travel...

Demand Rs 7500 per month for three months to all workers in unorganized sector

Members of NZIEA working in LIC divisional office, Dugri, Ludhiana stage protests 

Members of NZIEA working in LIC divisional office, Dugri,...

Oppose government’s pronouncements of disinvestment in core sectors and anti-worker...

131 covid-19 patients get cured in District Ludhiana

131 covid-19 patients get cured in District Ludhiana

2606 persons are under home quarantine, people should follow directions of health...

Hotel like facilities being provided at govt facilities

Hotel like facilities being provided at govt facilities

Dubai returned Harpreet Kaur says that the arrangements were more than expected

From tomorrow onwards, any person not wearing mask to be fined Rs 200: commissioner of police

From tomorrow onwards, any person not wearing mask to be...

For strict enforcement of curfew past 7 pm, 110 special nakas set up everyday

100th train departs from Ludhiana, till date, more than 1.20 lakh migrants left for their home states

100th train departs from Ludhiana, till date, more than...

Efforts for safe return of migrants to their home states to continue: DC