Tata Trusts brings in CMC Vellore and CIHS Hyderabad
To curate free online training for medical professionals on covid-19 critical care
First flight landed in Dharamshala airport after 2 months
Government withdraws restriction of DMs pass from tomorrow
Peter England and Ayushmann Khurrana launch video film...
Ayushmann in this video is seen highlighting the importance and necessity of wearing...
NGO `I Am Still Human' celebrates Eid with migrant labourers
The NGO also gives a message of the need to respect all religions as same
Yolo Bus launches its Next Generation Inter-City Bus Services...
After establishing its strong foothold in Northern and Southern India, the mobility...
EON launches initiative to unlock the influence of nutrition...
EON takes responsible nutrition very seriously and studies it with respect to the...
462 train passengers to join Parour Quarantine Centre in...
These passengers were brought from Chakki Bank railway station of Pathankot
New architecture of global governance needs to emerge from...
MP Manish Tewari addressed global Congregation of IOC over video conferencing
AICC secretary and former minister Sudhir Sharma demands...
An officer of Director rank has been arrested in Himachal