Documentary film titled, “Prayer Of Protection” depicting...
This documentary film has been made by Punjab Lawyer Harpreet Sandhu
Control asthma to keep Covid at bay: Expert
Says small gatherings are still a bit dangerous because there can be a number of...
Of 102 samples taken, three tested positive for Covid-19...
The camp was organised in association with the District Red Cross Society
Food, Civil Supply and Consumer Affairs Minister to launch...
The minister will launch the scheme by distributing 10 Smart Ration Cards to beneficiaries
‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ marked at DMCH
Generate awareness among public to identify causes which lead to suicidal tendencies...
Punjab police gets 108 social media accounts/links blocked...
More expected to be blocked, information of users awaited for action against miscreants
Unlock 4: No curfew on Saturdays in Punjab
Government issues guidelines to be implemented from 09.09.2020 to 30.09.2020
Urgent need to confirm status of filling up 350 posts backlog...
Senior citizen and social worker Dr Satish Kumar Thaman writes to Punjab CM Capt...