Tag: BioNEST

BioNEST & E-YUVA Centre celebrated launch of “BioE3 Policy: Cultivating future growth through Green Innovation”

BioNEST & E-YUVA Centre celebrated launch of “BioE3 Policy:...

BioNEST and E-YUVA Centre, PU Chandigarh, proudly celebrated the landmark launch...

Corporate Social Responsibility fund sanctioned to BioNEST- Panjab University

Corporate Social Responsibility fund sanctioned to BioNEST-...

Having such useful facilities on-board as a part of the incubator will encourage...

Webinar on “Let’s Startup” 

Webinar on “Let’s Startup” 

The event organized by BioNEST- Panjab University in collaboration with FITT, IIT-Delhi

BioNEST- Panjab University becomes Associate BIG Partner to DBT-BIRAC

BioNEST- Panjab University becomes Associate BIG Partner...

The BioNEST-PU was established in the year 2016 with generous funding support received...