Tag: Bookends

Occult offences beyond Scooby-Doo: Cracking 'supernatural' crimes (IANS Column: Bookends)

Occult offences beyond Scooby-Doo: Cracking 'supernatural'...

Is evil a cosmic constant, or a human construct? The answer may not be easy to find...

'Tints of history and culture': A romp through the deeper significance of colours (IANS Column: Bookends)

'Tints of history and culture': A romp through the deeper...

It may only be a phenomenon of the electromagnetic spectrum, as analysed by our...

A professional assassin with a conscience and his chequered life (IANS Column: Bookends)

A professional assassin with a conscience and his chequered...

Humans, possibly following some atavistic but ingrained impulse, are initially geared...

Just Comical? Two of the world's best known comics - and their lessons (IANS Column: Bookends)

Just Comical? Two of the world's best known comics - and...

Usually reviled by irate parents and teachers as a "waste of time and money", comic...

Key insights, tastefully served: The essays of Umberto Eco (IANS Column: Bookends)

Key insights, tastefully served: The essays of Umberto...

Seeking some informed opinion on some aspect of human society, culture, or politics,...

'This time for Africa': Fair writing of and from the continent (IANS Column: Bookends)

'This time for Africa': Fair writing of and from the continent...

It was called the "Dark Continent", not only due to lack of (European) knowledge...

'A many-splendoured thing': Love and its recent Indian literary manifestations (IANS Column: Bookends)

'A many-splendoured thing': Love and its recent Indian...

It is the most cherished, yet complex, not to mention a much misunderstood human...

'Battling Inspiration': Top WWII films and the books behind them (IANS Column: Bookends)

'Battling Inspiration': Top WWII films and the books behind...

The 'egg or chicken' conundrum is not required to establish whether books or films...